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Assessment and Intervention Services

A photo of Rachel Mingo

Rachel Mingo

Assessment Supervisor

(951) 824-8015 VP

Welcome to the Department of Assessment/Intervention Services! Our highly-trained staff members provide assessment and intervention services for Deaf /Hard-of-Hearing students enrolled at CSDR, as well as for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students across Southern California. Our department provides a variety of comprehensive and informative assessments for students at CSDR. Please contact the Assessment Department at (951) 824-8015 VP for further information.

Our department also houses the Southern California Assessment Center for the Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing in collaboration with Thrive Services at CSDR. Our assessment services are available for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing students from 18 months through age 21 years. These services are provided, per the Ed Code, free of charge. Southern California Local Education Agencies may refer students for these assessments. Please contact our department for further information and an application for assessment services. For further information on training for mainstream teachers working with Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing students, please contact Thrive Services.

General Assessments

Admissions Assessment

Students who apply for admission into CSDR are assessed for eligibility by the Admissions Team which includes the Assessment and Intervention Services Department. Student files and assessment histories are reviewed by the Assessment Team to determine assessment needs. During temporary placement at CSDR, if recommended, the student is pulled for needed assessments during the 60-day review period. Information from the Educational Team as well as assessment data and observations are shared with the Individual Education Plan (IEP) team for final decision of placement.

Triennial Assessment

As required by law for all students in Special Education, the Assessment Team reviews student files due for triennial review. The purpose of such reviews is to help determine ongoing eligibility for Special Education, and to review progress over the past three years. A report is prepared and shared at the student's triennial IEP meeting.

Special Request Assessment

This service is provided to students currently enrolled at CSDR. Students who are not making expected academic gains or have behavioral or social/emotional concerns may be referred for a special assessment. Members of the IEP team, including parents, can request an assessment. Parents may make requests for assessments through their department principal. Requests are reviewed by the Assessment Department and testing is chosen depending on the referral question. Findings from the evaluation are shared with the student's IEP team at a post assessment meeting.

Behavior Assessment

This service is provided by the school's Behavior Specialist for those students whose behavior is serious as defined by California Education Code (self-injurious, assaultive, serious property damage, other pervasive/maladaptive).

In addition to behavioral assessments, the Behavior Specialist is also involved with supporting school-wide behavior services which includes providing assistance, school-wide and student specific positive intervention techniques and in-service training and consultation to staff and parents in the management of classroom and individual student problematic behaviors.

Thrive! Assessment Services

Our department also houses the THRIVE Southern California Assessment Center, which provides assessments to Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing students from 18 months through age 21 years who are being served at another school in Southern California. These services are provided, per the Ed Code, free of charge. Southern California Local Education Agencies may refer students for these assessments.

For information on how to refer a student in your district, please contact our office at (951) 824-8015 VP, or email us.