Welcome to the California School for the Deaf, Riverside, also known as the home of the Cubs! As the CSDR Superintendent, it is my privilege to work alongside our talented staff, dedicated families, devoted alumni, and most importantly, our students. Together, we strive to create a learning environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
At CSDR, we are proud to offer a positive environment where both American Sign Language and English are valued, cultures are embraced, and learning is made relevant to students' lives. We emphasize the importance of self-worth and collaboration with families and the community. Through academic rigor, innovative technology, and a wide range of extracurricular opportunities, our students are being prepared for college, careers, and bright futures.
We maintain an ongoing commitment to innovation, equity, and fostering a community that empowers our students to achieve their goals and dreams. We invite you to be a part of our journey toward excellence.
April McArthur
Leadership Team
April McArthur
Site Superintendent
Rory Osbrink
Director of Instruction
Academics | Principals | Curriculum, Data, Instruction & Advancement
Nora Gonzales
Director of Human Resources
Teresa Maxwell
Assistant Superintendent
Athletics | Career & Technical Education | Student Life
Denise Taylor
Director of Student Services
Admissions | Assessment | Counseling, Speech & Audiology | Health | Thrive
Eric Lopez
Director of Business Services
Accounting | Dietetics | Interpreting | Plant Operations | Procurement
Academic Principals
Tammy Mitchell
Erika Thompson
Janelle Green
James Smith
Laura Edwards
Mission & Values
Students at California School for the Deaf are engaged in a positive environment where ASL and English are valued, cultures are embraced, learning is relevant, and self-worth is uplifted. In collaboration with families and school communities, Southern California students prepare for college and careers through academic rigor, innovative technology, and extra-curricular opportunities.
children becoming balanced bilingual individuals by recognizing the relationships between language development, cognitive development and social/emotional development.

and utilize data to ensure ongoing, consistent improvement both for the individual student and the school as a whole.
professionally as educators who implement standards-based best practices by planning collaboratively with resources and training.
an equitable learning environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and staff.
families as a vital part of the students' learning, where staff and families work together, and put the good of the student first.
Students will effectively communicate opinions, ideas, and information through American Sign Language and English.
Students will contribute in shared learning and knowledge as accountable members.
Students will engage in multiple literacies to comprehend and reflect on information for learning and meaningful participation.
Critical Thinking
Students will apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate resources to solve complex problems.
Students will demonstrate courage, respect, and excellence as they serve within their communities.
Work Ethic
Students will take responsibility for their own learning with self-discipline, honor, and integrity.
School Educational Logo
We have a visual expression of our purpose - one that marries our past to our present and sets the course for where we're headed in the future. This bilingual logo, by Deaf professional designer Suzanne Stecker, symbolizes our commitment to you that we'll remain true to our core values as we set our sights on the future.

The logo shape is an abstract of the ASL handshape “R” in print form for “Riverside.”
The two languages of ASL and English are represented with balance and equality by the two tree trunks. The trees intersect because both languages are used back and forth with clear purpose throughout the day, with ASL as a bridge to learning English.
The trees grow, as students achieve through this bilingual program, and their cognition, language, literacy, academic performance, and self-esteem thrive.
Five palm branches at the top of the tree trunks represent the shape of hands signing “CHAMP.” Students shall be champions in academics, sports, organizations, career, and life.